Landscape Maintenance & Lawn Care Tips

Keeping a dedicated landscape maintenance routine can be challenging, especially when you are still learning the ropes. It is even more difficult for those living in areas that experience an array of seasons from the hot and humid summer to the cold and drying winter.Below we discuss all the best landscaping lawn care tips that you can apply based on the season. This guide can help both beginners and amateur gardeners learn how to maintain a healthy lawn all year round through easy-to-follow steps and eco-friendly practices.Littleton, CO Landscaping Company


Spring is often associated with beautiful blooms, bright green grass, and pristine landscapes. This is because the spring season has perfectly mild weather that allows many types of plants to start thriving, setting a good foundation for summer. Your lawn care tips for spring should include:

  • Prune your trees and shrubs for healthier growth
  • Test your soil every sprint to ensure a proper pH balance
  • Use a fertilizer that can support any nutrient deficiency in your oil (which you can find out through testing). However, if you have cool-season grass, hold off fertilizing until the fall.
  • Nip weeds as these can take up all the necessary nutrients your plants need.
  • Rake old leaves and debris for a neater and cleaner space, suitable enough for planting beds.
  • Ad an inch of fresh mulch to help retain moisture and keep roots properly insulated.


Summer is when you can spend most of your time enjoying the outdoors. While it is expected to get extra hot, it is also the time for most blooms planted in spring to thrive, releasing charming scents, and adding a whole lot of color.  Your lawn care tips for summer should include:

  • Water your plants deeply during the evening or early morning so the sun won’t steal too much moisture.
  • Remove any weeds in your lawn, and fertilize if you haven’t yet.
  • Mow your grass - but not too short!
  • Summer is often when people take vacations, if you plan to do so, consider getting a drip irrigation system.


More often than not, homeowners tend to ease up on lawn care during the fall since most of their attention for to raking up leaves. While that is an important factor, don’t forget these other lawn care tips for fall:

  • Pull weeds. Do it throughout all seasons to minimize stubborn weed outbreaks.
  • Rake debris to protect the water quality in your soil. Consider composting the leaves you gather.
  • Fertilize cool-season grass.
  • If there are dead or bare spots in your garden, seed them.
  • Overseed the entire lawn for dense and plush grass.
  • Cut your grass to only 2 inches tall, preparing them for winter.
  • Deep water your trees.
  • Prune plants.
  • Shut off your water lines outside to prepare for winter.


Winter is the worst season for lawns. Here are the best lawn care tips for the cold:

  • Make sure there are no more leaves or debris.
  • Aerate and fertilize your soil so that it has instant access to nutrients when spring comes around.
  • Apply 2 inches of mulch everywhere.
  • To protect from water loss, consider burlap wrapping
  • Tie branches together to prevent snow loads
  • Apply wire mesh to the foundation of your trees


Lawn care is necessary throughout all seasons of the year. Reap the benefits of professional residential landscaping in Lakewood CO by hiring experts to take care of lawn maintenance for you. To learn more, contact us at Highlands Landscaping, your most trusted landscaping company in Lakewood CO.


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