Where to Place Landscape Lighting?

Landscape lighting adds charm and beauty to your outdoor space, making it more functional and enjoyable even during nighttime. Proper placement of lighting fixtures is key to achieve the desired ambiance, security, and safety.In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the perfect places to install landscape lighting in your yard.Highlands Landscaping - Lighting

Pathways and Walkways

Illuminate walkways and pathways to make them safer and easier to navigate. Placing low-voltage lights along the edges of your path will not only highlight the path but also add a soft, warm glow to your landscape. You can also add fixtures to create focal points at different spots or intersections along the path, such as steps or entry points.

Steps and Stairs

Brighten up any steps or stairs leading up to your house, patios, or decks; this is essential for safety reasons. Subtle lights on the steps or risers will make stairs easier to see and navigate, especially in low-light conditions, ensuring safety. Stair lighting fixtures provide a soft, attractive glow that adds more charm to your landscape

Water Features

If your landscape has a water feature such as a fountain, waterfall, pond, or pool, use lighting to add a touch of magic. Directional uplighting and underwater lighting will showcase the beauty of the water feature within striking shadows and patterns. Some lighting options for water features include floating lights for a whimsical touch, submersible LED lights for pools and ponds, and spotlights for fountains.

Trees and Plants

Trees and plants are an excellent way to add character to your landscape and can serve as natural focal points. Use landscape lighting to accentuate the best features of your trees and plants. Uplighting fixtures can create dramatic contrasts, highlight details or patterns of the tree bark, and provide a gentle glow to the surrounding landscape. Spotlights or directional up-lights can add an aiming effect to plants, giving them a unique appeal and sheer brilliance. 

Patios and Decks

A patio or deck offers an alternative place to enjoy the outdoors, especially during summer evenings. Illuminate your outdoor living space with ambient lighting fixtures such as hanging lights or lanterns, string lights, or wall sconces to create a warm and welcoming ambiance. Pendant lighting can be added over dining tables, while lounge areas can have ornamental lighting to create a cozy ambiance.


When it comes to enhancing the beauty of your outdoor space, lighting is an indispensable element; with the right placement, it can create a dramatic impact. Using a combination of techniques for different landscapes and features will help you create a unique and attractive outdoor space that defines your personality.Make sure that your beautiful landscape lights are installed with the help of a professional landscape lighting company for perfect placement and long-lasting performance. Let your home draw attention with well-placed lighting today!Transform the look of your outdoor space and upgrade your home's value with professional lighting installations from Highlands Landscaping! Our experienced team will assess your landscape, discuss design ideas, and create a custom lighting plan tailored to your needs.With our superior quality fixtures, experienced technicians, and quality materials you can trust that your landscape will look perfect for years to come. Contact us today and take the first step towards a beautifully lit outdoor space!


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